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Notification: installation list not found
Suppose, you get the following notification: installation list not found.
If you come across this message, we are happy to help you solve this. Read more.
First, we will check a few things:
Ensure that the UNC path to the encrypted installation list is reachable from the client device by browsing to \\ server \ share \ list.ile from the client devices.
Also, check the registry to see if the path to the installation list was set correctly in the IleFile key (HKLM \ Software \ Easy Software Deployment).
The value must be the correct UNC path and is case sensitive.
If you have installed the Easy Software Deployment Agent manually or in a way other than Easy Software Deployment itself, you must ensure that you have used the correct UNC path and checked for case sensitivity. For example: when you set the deployment location in the Manager as “\\ Server \ SHARE \ List.ile”, you must use it in exactly the same way when installing the Agent.
Tip: Installing the Agent remotely from the Manager console will do this because the Agent will use MSI with an MST file to which this configuration has already been applied.
If you still want to deploy the agent through the Group Policy object or otherwise, you must use the MST or install it manually from the command line to use ILEFILE = “\\ server \ share \ list.ile” (as the UNC path contains: use spaces, use quotes, and of course check the case sensitivity!).
The very last thing you need to know is whether the rights to the share and the NTFS level on the server hosting the share are set correctly. Consult our user manual for setting this up.
If the services do not start or give an error message
This can be viewed as follows:
If the service (s) cannot find the coded installation list, the above is relevant to check.
If you get a Ldap error retrieving the groups from the domain / AD, your computer may not have an active network connection or there are insufficient permissions to retrieve the groups from Active Directory.
When you use a service account instead of the Local System account, you should check the following: make sure the account has rights to start as a service, you use the correct username and/or password for the service account or the service account has insufficient rights.
Tip: we recommend that you use the system account to start the service (s).
Sometimes virus scanners can interrupt the service (s).
When troubleshooting, you must temporarily disable the virus scanner to ensure that it does not interrupt the Easy Software Deployment service (s).
Easy Software Deployment is a product of Provolve IT.