Why you can’t afford to be without a cloud strategy in 2021–2022

Why you can’t afford to be without a cloud strategy in 2021–2022

A cloud here and a cloud there: many companies shop around for their daily dose of Everything-as-a-Service. But in 2022—and indeed, already in 2021—this is no longer practical. Instead, you need to take a more holistic approach. Here are three reasons why you can’t afford to be without a cloud strategy. 1. Everyone works remotely

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Are cloud-based, web-based, and SaaS the same thing? (No!)

Are cloud-based, web-based, and SaaS the same thing? (No!)

Once the dust has settled and a new technology becomes established, you might suddenly find that there are multiple names for the same thing. For example, this seems to apply to online applications, where terms like cloud-based, web-based, and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) are used interchangeably. But that is incorrect, and here’s why. Cloud-based, web-based, and SaaS

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All apps in the cloud? Not yet!

All apps in the cloud? Not yet!

More and more apps work in the browser. Microsoft made the switch a few years ago with Microsoft 365, and since then desktop applications have existed side by side with the online versions. Google Apps have never even had a desktop version. Is it time to switch completely to online apps? As software developers, we’d

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Cloud: at your service

Cloud: at your service

Welcome to the world of Xaas. If there’s one development in ICT that has revolutionized the way we work, it’s the cloud. The idea that your own organization no longer has to manage everything is really revolutionary, and that means you no longer have to house all the servers in your own building either. Everything

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The sun shines through the Cloud

The sun shines through the Cloud

Yes it’s true, the future of the cloud is looking bright and very sunny. These days, we do almost everything in the cloud. And sometimes as a user you may not even realize you’re using a cloud solution. But one cloud is not like another. And not all of them are as safe to use

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